Record DFA127 90 Degree Opening Automatic Door

Record DFA 127 is a universal product for automatic door opener automation. It features advanced technology, compact design and Record's signature smooth operation. Our constructive approach allows many different applications and variations with a single drive

Universal applications: With its modular assembly and electro-mechanical operating principle, it facilitates universal applications. Whenever the door is opened or closed with the help of the driver, this tension is transmitted to the spring at the same time. The energy to provide counter movement is stored in the drive by the spring. Depending on the need, the counter movement can also be provided with motor support. Even without motor assistance, the power is distributed over the entire area to ensure optimum speed. The movement, including the resistance it provides until it reaches the end point of the door, complies with all norms and regulations. Record DFA 127 can be easily adjusted in the installation area with a special adjustment screw in accordance with EN 4- EN 6. standards for the different spring forces required. This model has many predefined unique features for a wide range of door types, which can be quickly adapted to the requirements of the country and region.

  • World-wide approved DIN 18 650-compliant technology
  • Keep-open feature approved as a fire protection barrier
  • Can be used with various fire-resistant profiles, e.g. Jansen, Forster, Heroal...
  • It features barrier-free passage technology for elderly care centers and gerontology.
  • Double-leaf doors (Standard-Master/Slave)
  • Energy saving mode (Adjustable single wing opening)
  • Integrated sequential flap control for fire doors
  • Integrated sequential flap control for fire doors
  • Directional two-way opening (Corridor traffic management)
  • Standard usage on/off
Current Features for All Models
  • Identical design for all models
  • Technically integrated harmonious approach
  • No emergency power supply needed
  • Opens with the power of the bow
  • Door hinge is integrated into the system (no floor space opening problem)
  • Provides smoke evacuation by opening in case of fire
  • Turns on in the event of an emergency or power outage, providing a means of escapeTurns on in the event of a power outage, providing safety and guidance for an emergency
  • Reliable shutdown in case of fire
  • Combine safety and comfort
  • Can be used with various fire resistant profiles
  • Closes in case of emergency and/or fire to contain heat and smoke Safe shutdown in case of fire
  • A remarkably smooth operating system
  • Easy and reliable maintenance
  • Proven electronic accessories designed and manufactured in-house
  • Multi-platform operating system (similar software is used in many of our products)
  • Aluminum or stainless steel lid

Record DFA 127 offers FULL POWER and LOW ENERGY options as standard. It's easy to specify what you need or change your mind. You can operate a door weighing several hundred kilos in FULL POWER mode. In LOW ENERGY mode, with the same mechanism and kinetic energy limited to 1.6 joules, you can safely operate the door without safety sensors. DFA 127 FULL POWER Record is the powerhouse among swing gate operators. With its adjustable power range, it offers a wide range of use from EN4 to EN6. Thanks to the high-tech Record control unit, the power required for opening and closing the door is provided individually for each movement of the door, while many complex functions work in perfect harmony. Particularly suitable for the area of use: retail outlets, airports - administration and office buildings - restaurants and hotels. DFA 127 LOW ENERGY is ideal for buildings with slow or limited movement. For example; hospitals and nursing homes. The kinetic energy is limited to 1.6 joules, which ensures safe use without the use of safety sensors and without compromising safety in the door's movement area. Particularly suitable for the area of use: Care homes for the elderly and disabled, hospitals, clinics and retirement homes, private properties, villas and apartments: Thanks to its sensitive operating principle, it reduces the obstacle level for people with reduced or limited mobility and can be used in combination with additional safety sensors. Thanks to its practical silent operation, it preserves peace and quiet in living spaces.

Today, more than 8000 Record automatic door systems implemented in Switzerland have been in operation for more than 20 years! Our customers use their doors every day and this, of course, continues to increase their satisfaction day by day. This reliability and satisfaction is of course made possible by the high quality and high standards of design, production and implementation, as well as the expert Record technicians who carry out after-sales maintenance and service. Periodic service and maintenance is essential to keep your automatic doors running smoothly for decades and to keep safety and security equipment up to date. With personalized Record maintenance contracts, you can benefit from our products for many years by reducing the maintenance costs of your business. Service and maintenance is a high priority for Record, your nearest Record partner. The fact that Record products are designed to last is also an indication that we are the changing face of regulatory requirements. To avoid bad experiences for our customers, our priority is to create personalized service and maintenance packages that fully meet legal requirements. Our consultant will determine your needs and prepare the most suitable service-maintenance contract for you. For more information and assistance, please contact your Record partner!